The Dan Roberson Benefit Tattoo Raffle

On August 25th, a dear friend of mine, Dan Roberson, was struck by a train. At this point his condition is stable but I still dont have a lot of details. He is a new father to 3 month old Max and this is not the ideal situation to find yourself in with an infant. He is in North Carolina and I am Tucson, quite a distance to make a difference, but Ill give it a go. Starting tomorrow I will be selling raffle tickets for $20. The prize is 400 dollars of my own tattoo time. The winner will be drawn at the end of the month. All the money raised will go straight to Dan. He will be out of work for 6-12 weeks and rent still needs to get paid, cellphones need to get paid. Diapers need to be bought and any of lifes other little necessities that might come his way.

My Girlfriend Johnna is also donating all of her commission from sales at her scentsy wickless candle fundraiser. You can order tons of cute stuff here and click on the Daniel Roberson Fundraiser or call her directly at 520-664-5533. Anything is appreciated and welcomed even kind words.

Thanks in advance for the support, and dont forget to take advantage of a getting a $400 Tattoo for $20 bucks. If you have any question regarding the raffle please contact me through my facebook page.

See you soon!

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