Every week, it seems I get the pleasure of giving someone their first tattoo.
And whats wild.
Its not just the youngsters and college crowd anymore.
I’ve actually noticed a lot of older clients getting their first tattoos these day.
And why not? You’ve worked hard. You’ve made a good living. And who cares what anybody thinks.
Its completely normal to be a little nervous about getting your first tattoo. At any age.
Hell, I still get nervous about getting tattooed. But maybe its cause I’m a big ol softy these days.
If you’re new to tattoos, check out my page NEW CLIENTS to get more comfortable with the my process. Some artists may do things different but this is how I get 5 star results every time! (Seriously, check out my google reviews)
If you’ve already booked an appointment and are still asking yourself ” What should I bring to my first tattoo?”
I’ve made a quick list of some essentials to bring to your first tattoo appointment.
Start the whole process by getting some good sleep.
Your body is gonna go through a little bit of stress from the tattoo. More so if you’re getting your first tattoo in a super tender spot.
If you aren’t well rested your bodies ability to withstand the stress goes downhill.
The tattoo is gonna be a bit spicy. Nothing we can do about that. But don’t add to it by being exhausted.
Make sure you get some good rest the night before your appointment!
Ok, this kinda goes with the #1, and I know its not a “thing to bring” but its super important.
All that stress the tattoo is putting on your skin, will take it right out of ya.
And if you haven’t eaten, your body won’t have the fuel it needs to keep you going.
Pain levels can increase, blood sugar levels can get wacky, clammy skin, light headedness, nausea and what we’re all trying to avoid here…. passing out.
Having some good rest and eating a good breakfast or lunch before your appointment will get you off to a great start.
*Some folks are prone to passing out. Not a problem Just communicate with your artist before the tattoo and keep them updated throughout the process.
Ok so we got good sleep, a good bit of food. (Don’t forget water) Lets continue.
3. Snacks/Water
I don’t know how long your tattoo session will be, but if its more than an hour, bring some snacks.
Whatever you like. Pringles, cashews, gummy bears, whatever you like. I’d bring enough snacks to munch on something every hour or so.
Couple chips here and there kinda thing.
And like I said, bring some water. This is almost like a workout.
In fact, I remember tattooing Nick Gonzales of the Pittsburgh Pirates a few years ago (small brag), and he wore his professional athlete heart monitor gear.
He sat in my chair for like 6 hours and told me his heart was beating as if he were working out all day long.
(Maybe I need to get tattooed more?)
So be prepared to fuel and hydrate at your first tattoo appointment. Over time you’ll learn how your body responds but for your first tattoo, its best to come prepared.
4. Comfy Clothing
This is one you’ll thank me for.
I’ve seen some folks show up to their appointments in tight denim pants wanting to get their lower leg tattooed.
And well, if you can’t roll up your pant leg, we gotta go from the top. And depending on your comfort levels, and this being your first tattoo and all, its not gonna be great.
I’ve seen some folks come in on their way to a date night.
Thats pretty fancy dress you got there, it’d be a shame if I got any ink on it.
Tattooing can get a little messy, so its best to wear comfy clothes you don’t mind getting a little ink or blood on.
While some shops have TVs, music, wildly entertaining conversations in the background, as our dear friend Dorothy says ” There’s no place like home.” In this case your phone.
You might feel like you want to escape that spicy grinding of wet lightning on your lower leg. And what better place than your favorite Tik Tok. Or looking up recipes for grilling
Theses may not be 100% necessary but they sure are nice to have if you need.
Its totally fine if you want to go into your own space. Just make sure you make it clear.
I often ask my clients what kind of music they work out too. A playlist like that can help you get through some really tough parts of the tatttoo.
Ok, so not everybody is a reader, but for those of you that are, feel free to bring a book. If you want to go into a fantasy world, nobody here is gonna stop you .
If you’ve been doing your homework, you have probably seen tons of tattoos you like.
Make sure you have your tattoo references ready for you artist to look at. Tattoo artists are great at what they do, however, they are terrible mind readers.
Brining great references allows them to see what things you like and don’t like.
This is a good one. You gotta make sure you can pay for this thing when its all done.
Most tattoo shops and tattoo artists prefer cash. Make sure you bring enough and if you love your tattoo, maybe a little more for a nice tip.
A tip isn’t required but as an artist, it really makes you feel appreciated. You can tip whatever you want or go with a standard 20%.
Some shops take all forms of payment, zizzle zazzle, venmope, pay pay or whatever funny named phone app the kids use these days.
At Art and Sol, we take all credit cards, cash, and most of the digital money apps.
Yup, gotta make sure you’re of age when you’re getting tattooed. Some states I’ve worked in require it for the health department paper work.
Check with your shop before you and your bestie roll up hard. Some shops limit guests to 1, some say none.
If your tattoo shop allows guests, make sure they are there to support you, not undermine your tattoo artist. Well…. Some artists need to be undermined. And if thats the case, maybe you’re in the wrong chair.
If you’re staying, make sure you and your friend are respectful.
10. PMA
Sometimes its unavoidable to be grouchy but you’re getting tattooed! This should be a great day.
If you’re in a bad mood, there’s a great chance that energy is felt by those around you. And your artist should be happy to have you in their chair not bummed.
Bring that positivity and everyone around you will respond with good energy!

Theres probably many more things Im forgetting, but this is a great start!
What are your thoughts? What did I forget? Stress balls? Chewing tobacco?
Let me know in the comments.
If you want to set up an appointment with me, text my shop Art and Sol Tattoo at 520-314-7358
David Meek
Tucson Tattoo Artist