What a month. I just got married and Im a finalist in the Tucson Weekly’s Best of Tucson for Best Tattoo Artist for the 2nd year in a row. Im blown away. Its such an honor that my friends and customers think so highly of my work. As an artist its hard to see what others see, as Im always questing for improvement. Always wanting each piece to be better than the last. Not to say that my work isnt fantastic… Its just the plight of an artist. Never settling for “ok”. Staying up at night worrying about the small details that most never see.

Its truly an honor to be recognized in my community. I learned how to tattoo here back in 2006 and 07. And to be among such amazing artists in the top 5 is mind blowing for sure.

My goal then and now has been to make great tattoos that stand the test of time! True collaborations between artist and collector.
If you havent voted in the Finals for best tattoo artist in Tucson, you can click the link here.
No matter the outcome, I have the best job and best customers in Tucson. So lets keep it going!
Be sure to check out some of my friends and vote for them as well like
You Sly Dog…. Molecular Munchies…. Tucson Hop Shop….Cyndi and Chris in the morning…Yoga Oasis… Jade Beall Photography
Who are some of your favorite Tucson businesses and artists. Leave them in the comments so others can see who deserves some local love!