Eric is a tattooer of 27 years and has seen his fair share of bullshit when it comes to tattooing. And the recent uprising of Tattoo Schools is no exception. There have always been people trying to make a buck off of tattooing especially since the rise of its popularity in todays culture. Tattoos are fashionable but that comes with some drawbacks as well as some benefits.
In the beginning of this episode we will hear from the tattoo school man himself. Expaining that he was failing at the job he is trying to teach people….That blows my mind…

The tattoo school drawback is that now, in a few short months and thousands of dollars later, a young naive person can become a “tattoo artist”. [I use quotations and the term tattoo artist very loosely here] All at the expense of the genreal public. Its the customers and clients that we have worked so hard to give the best of oursleves and give the best possible tattoos we can. Mind you there are always crappy tattoo artists doing tattoos they shouldn’t be doing and Im probably one of them. But to set this as the standard is not only decienving the would be tattoo artists but the general public into thinking that these tattoos are ok. I have my own opinions of whats right and wrong about this but ill let Eric Perfect, Chad Knight and Myke Chambers explain the situation in Philly. So stay tuned for the upcoming episodes with those fellas. Til then please enjoy Eric Perfect.
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