Epidode 13: Shanghai Kate and Jack Rudy

Awesome pic of Jack Rudy and Shanghai Kate tattooers with over 80 years combined exprerience
Rad Hula girl by Shanghai Kate of Austin Texas
Freehand Skull rose and eye by the black and grey master tattoo artist Mr. Jack Rudy of Good Time Charlies in Anaheim California

Bell Bottoms. Led Zeppelin. Shanghai Kate peeing standing up. The 70’s were an amazing time,
especially in the tattoo world. In what may be the funniest Tattooer’s Podcast to date, I shoot the
breeze with the awesome Shanghai Kate and a special guest, Jack Rudy about tattoo trends over
the last few decades, tattoo removal, and their intricate knowledge of how skin and ink react to
each other. From the days of Ed Hardy and Sailor Jerry, to the days of the tramp stamp, and
present-day trends, Kate and Jack take me through the history of tattooing and the influential
changes that they’ve helped implement in the industry, whether it’s single needle tattoos or
sterilization processes. Kate is all spirit and science, Jack is all antics and aliens. I hope you
enjoy this month’s episode as much as I did.


You can find Kate online here or you can check our her facebook or instagram @shanghaikate

You can also follow Jack on Instagram @j_rudy_gtc

or on Facebook

and dont forget to follow the show on all the social medias
or subscribe on Itunes or Google Play here
Thanks so much for all the support and feed back everyone… there are alot of podcasts out there and to think you waste a couple hours with me each month is crazy… Thanks 
Dave Meek
Words by Amber Sipe

Episode 11: Remembering Royboy with Tim Svetly

On this episode I got a chance to chat with the author and curator of the new book The King and Queen of the Badlands Royboy and Debra the Tattooed Lady… Tim Svetly. Hes gonna take us on his personal journey in collecting the crazy stories of the notorious tattooer Royboy Cooper. From hearing legends of a tattooer who defied all social norms to becoming an important part of collecting tattoo history. 

Enter Royboy

From wrestling bears as a kid, to learning with Cliff Raven, to buying tigers guns boats and cars, to having a hardcore gym in the basement of his tattoo shop. His  life was his own 3 ring circus and he was the ring leader. A life of adventure and the willingness to do any and all things doesnt seem to do Royboy justice. I highly recommend checking out Tims new book on Royboy and his wife Debra to get a taste of what 70s and 80s biker tattooing was like in Gary Indiana. 


You can follow Tim on Instagram @royboybook or you can purchase a copy of the book directly at www.royboybook.com


You can also follow the show in Instagram @thetattooerspodcast or on www.facebook.com/thetattooerspodcast  and dont forget to follow the show on Itunes or google play and subscribe. It only takes a second and helps the show out so much. 


Thanks for listening


Dave Meek


music by www.bensound.com

Episode 9: Chicago Tattooer Nick Colella


The Best Traditional Chest Eagle Tattoo by Nick Colella in Chicago at Great Lakes Tattoo State street

Nick Colella making the best tattoos in Chicago
Work by Nick Colella Chicagos best tattooer at Great Lakes Tattoo


In this week’s episode, I take a trip back to the 90’s and the days of “house punk rock tattooing”
with Nick Colella, owner of Great Lake Tattoo in Chicago and the brains behind the Walk Up
Classic. He talks about all the antics of the old-timers, how tattooing used to be, and how things
have changed over the years. You can hear the passion in Nick’s voice, and you can tell how true
it is when Nick says that tattooing was his first love. You’ll learn about how internet and social
media have changed the way customers get tattoos, and how it can be a gift and a curse. Nick’s
humility is something to behold, and hearing him say that he’s just a “regular tattoo guy” is
hilariously weird for someone who knows what a tattoo hero he truly is.

Be sure to follow Nick on Instagram @nickcollela and his shop @greatlakestattoo and dont for get to follow the show @thetattooerspodcast as well as on facebook.com/thetattooerspodcast

You can also download and subscribe to the show on Itunes and Google Play. It should only take a second but helps the show so much.


Thanks for all the support for the show and tattooing. Let me know what your favorite part of my interview with Nick was in the comments. 


Thanks and happy new year!




music by www.bensound.com

words by Amber Sipe and David Meek

The Tattooers Podcast Ep 8: Ron Meyers from Lowlock Tattoo

One of my all time favorite pieces that Ron has made. Everyone knows I love MASH
Another great piece by Ron. We actually talk about this piece a bit in the interview.


In this episode I was able to talk with one of my favorite black and gray realism tattoo artists out there, Ron Meyers. Ron is the owner of Lowlock Tattoo in St. Clairesville Oh. Ive known of Rons work for alot of years and it was really great to finally have a chance to chat with him. You’ve no doubt seen his work if you’ve been to any tattoo conventions near or around Ohio. From Hell City ,to Motor City, to Pittsburgh. Or you’ve seen his Ron Meyers Graywash being used all around the world by some serious bad asses.I’ve used and loved his greywash system and am blown away by the work that he puts into both his tattoos and his pigment. We touch on many more tangents along the way during our chat so enjoy!

You can follow Ron on Instagram @RonMeyersTattoos or his shop @lowlocktatto or on Facebook.com/lowlocktattoo

You can also follow the show on Instagram @thetattooerspodcast or on Facebook.com/thetattooerspodcastt. If you haven’t already please subscribe to the show on iTunes or on google play. It only takes a second and helps the show so much. 

Be sure to visit www.Electrumsupply.com to recieve the free bottle of stencil primer when you spend $50 or more only for the listeners of the podcast. Use the code PODCAST at check out! This isnt an offer for everyone. Which is why its my way of saying thank you for all the comments, downloads and feedback. 




music by www.bensound.com

Episode 6: Tattoo Expo Titan Tim Azinger


Tim has been putting on tattoo expos for 25 years which says a lot about his dedication to tattooing. And thats on top of running his own shop Pinnacle Tattoo in Pittsburgh. His flagship show, The Meeting of the Marked is the second longest running tattoo expo in the country right now. Thats no small feat in a time where there are 4 tattoo shows going on damn near every weekend. Tims shows are like family reunions bringing together artists year after year. And while the venue may have changed a few times over the years, the quality and the caliber remain a constant. It was my pleasure to spend some time chatting with my dear friend and my hope is that after you hear this you’ll feel the same way I do about my friend Tim. He is a friend of tattooing and tattooings history.  I could go on and on about the guy but you’ll just have to work one of his shows to see what I’m talking about. Congrats on 25 years Tim. heres to 25 more convetions years!

Be sure to follow Tim on Instagram @tattootim or any of the shows hes putting on. @meetingofthemarked  @ladylucktattooexpo @pnwtattooexpo @chchtattooexpo or directly on the web at www.pinnacletattoo.com

and don’t forget to follow the show on instagram  @thetattooerspodcast or me @davidmeektattoos or on www.facebook.com/thetattooerspodcast  and subscribe to the show on itunes and google play. It only takes a second but really helps the show a bunch. I really do appreciate it. 

feel free to leave me any comments you may have about the show on your favorie social media..

thanks everyone.

David Meek


music by www.bensound.com

Episode 5: Tattoo School Scam pt2 with Chad Knight


Chad Knight is a 20+ year tattoo veteran from Philadelphia. He is one of the tattoo artists spear heading the fight against the scam tattoo schools. He is helping to rally tattoo artists to stand up and come together to protect the trade. I’ll let the episode speak for itself, as we discuss whats going on with the so called tattoo schools. 

Chad Knight Philadelphia tattoo artist

If you’d like to learn more about whats going on and how you can help please go to www.notattooschool.com 

You can also follow Chad on Instagram @mr_nicenasty


Dont forget to subrscribe to the show on itunes or google play if you havent already. It only takes a second and it helps the show so much.

also follow me on instagram @thetattooerspodcast @davidmeektattoos or www.facebook.com/thetattooerspodcast

Thanks again everyone for listening. Please share the episode and the message!


Dave Meek


music by www.bensound.com 

The Tattooers Podcast Ep 4 pt 1: Phillies finest tatttoers protect the trade w/ Eric Perfect


Eric is a tattooer of 27 years and has seen his fair share of bullshit when it comes to tattooing. And the recent uprising of  Tattoo Schools is no exception. There have always been people trying to make a buck off of tattooing especially since the rise of its popularity in todays culture. Tattoos are fashionable but that comes with some drawbacks as well as some benefits. 

In the beginning of this episode we will hear from the tattoo school man himself. Expaining that he was failing at the job he is trying to teach people….That blows my mind…

Eric Perfect with Philadelphia tattooers protesting tattoo schools

The tattoo school drawback is that now, in a few short months and thousands of dollars later, a young naive person can become a “tattoo artist”. [I use quotations and the term tattoo artist very loosely here] All at the expense of the genreal public. Its the customers and clients that we have worked so hard to give the best of oursleves and give the best possible tattoos we can. Mind you there are always crappy tattoo artists doing tattoos they shouldn’t be doing and Im probably one of them.  But to set this as the standard is not only decienving the would be  tattoo artists but the general public into thinking that these tattoos are ok. I have my own opinions of whats right and wrong about this but ill let Eric Perfect, Chad Knight and Myke Chambers explain the situation in Philly. So stay tuned for the upcoming episodes with those fellas. Til then please enjoy Eric Perfect.


For more info on what is going on please visit www.notattooschool.com or follow Eric on Instagram and Facebook



follow the show on Instagram and facebook.com/thetattooerspodcast



music by bensound.com

The Tattooers Podcast Episode 2: Tattooing and More with Cori James

Click here to sunscribe on Itunes

I had so much fun talking with Cori James. Its amazing how easy you can relate to your fellow tattooers. She is so inspiring for many many reasons. 

Her traditional tattoos are setting Atlanta on fire ever since she started tattooing. If you think you need a tattoo from I highly recommend it. You can find her at Live Free Tattoo in Atlanta Ga or various guest spots throughout the country. 

But thats not all. While dealing with an eating disorder she was gifted the book that changer her life.. A life without limits… and thus began her amazing triathalon journey. 

Now, Im no slouch. I participate in 5ks pretty regularly and have put down a few half marathons… but the thought of miles and miles of cycling swimming and running make me want to cry and other fluid discharges I shouldnt talk about. 

Again she is an incredible lady and I am so lucky she agreed to be on the podcast. 

Be sure to check her out on Instagram (even though she doesnt care. hahaha)




and hey while youre at it follow me and all of my wacky endeavors on Instagram Twitter and Facebook too. 




Adios Muchachos Enjoy my conversation with Cori James



And here is a recent pic of Beni in his favorite spot hahaha



Music by www.bensound.com