Hiring Tattoo Artists isnt easy

Its me doing what I do best.

Its seems to me that every single tattoo shop is experiencing unprecedented boom times. So much so that Im seeing post after post on multiple tattoo shop social media pages announcing that they are hiring. I admit, even I have put out the help wanted call for my shop Art and Sol.

As of this writing, Im currently booking for spring of 2021 which is a bit hectic when trying to consider birthdays, holidays, weekend getaways with the family, school breaks etc etc.

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Art and Sol Tattoo is Turning 1

Holy freakin moly, what a year its been. We opened up Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery in October 2019. With stars in our eyes, and hope in our hearts that this was going to be something special. Well… who could have predicted one of the craziest events in modern history.. you know the whole Covid 19 thing. Well, despite the obstacles, we have pushed on and leaned into the wind as it were. While it hasnt been easy for anyone of us, it sure will be memorable.

My personal philosophy was that this was the best thing for small businesses. It created an opportunity to grow and innovate in new ways. The playing field has been leveled and while others wait for a return to normal, Im playing offense and pushing harder than ever before.

Our shop is growing with new energy from our shop helpers (soon to be tattoo apprentices) and new clients!

We are working on making everything we do the best it can be…. which reminds me of a quote… How you do anything is how you do everything. And we are setting the bar higher for ourselves in everything.

October will be 1 year of many. That isnt even a question. But our first year is a testament to our resolve.

Im working on figuring out how we can celebrate the shops birthday together and really make it special. Which, given the circumstances, it will undoubtably be.

If you would like to participate shoot the shop an email artandsoltattoo@gmail.com

If you want to be featured in our birthday video, send us a happy birthday video to artandsoltattoo@gmail.com

Stay tuned for more!!
