Its that wonderful time of year! The Tucson Weekly is accepting nominations for the best of Tucson. Ive been fortunate to be nominated in the top 5 for Best Tattoo Artist the last couple years and would love to keep the streak alive! If youve been lucky enough to have been tattooed in my new shop Art and Sol Tattoo Gallery, then you know all to well that it is the best place to get tattooed in Tucson. If you haven’t, well, we eagerly await you coming down. Not only is the shop super clean and inviting, we also host amazing local artists every month (pandemic permitting) in our gallery space.
The first round of voting for Best of Tucson is in and Im blown away. For the second year in a row Ive been nominated for Best Tattoo Artist in Tucson. Thanks to all who nominated me! Its a huge honor to be be in the top 5… Im happy to just make good tattoos for my amazing clientele, but a little recognition aint gonna kill me haha. So again a huge thank you to all that have gotten me this far and trust me year after year to make tattoos for you.
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Arm Tattoo by Me in Tucson Arizona
Traditional Pinup Hula Girl Tattoo available in Tucson at David Meek Tattoos
The time is upon us. The Tucson Weekly’s Best of Tucson 2019 voting has begun. Last year I was so very fortunate to have so many wonderful people put my name and my private studio in the ring for Best Tattoo Artist as well as Best Tattoo Shop in Tucson. It was such an honor to have the trust and votes from so many. My goal has always been to make tattoos that stand the test of time, are applied with clean crisp technique, in a clean and relaxingly comfortable studio…. So, as far as that goes, Ive been a winner for along time in that competition.
But… The competitor in me always wants a little more haha. So last year was only the first year my studio was open, and I was a finalist for Best Tattoo Artist and the studio was a finalist for Best Tattoo Shop. Amazing. But I think we can do a bit better this year.
This first round is for nominations. So please take a moment to go the the link and show some love for your favorite things in Tucson.
Best tattoo artist – David Meek Best Tattoo shop – David Meek Tattoos, Best Hot Dog- You Sly Dog, Best radio or morning show hosts – Cyndi and Chris, Best Hamburger- Molecular Munchies, Best brewery-Dilinger Brewing Co Best Yoga Studio- Yoga Oasis… these are just a few of my friends that deserve some recognition and a nomination!
Thanks for taking the time to support local tucson businesses!