The Tattooers Podcast Episode 2: Tattooing and More with Cori James

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I had so much fun talking with Cori James. Its amazing how easy you can relate to your fellow tattooers. She is so inspiring for many many reasons. 

Her traditional tattoos are setting Atlanta on fire ever since she started tattooing. If you think you need a tattoo from I highly recommend it. You can find her at Live Free Tattoo in Atlanta Ga or various guest spots throughout the country. 

But thats not all. While dealing with an eating disorder she was gifted the book that changer her life.. A life without limits… and thus began her amazing triathalon journey. 

Now, Im no slouch. I participate in 5ks pretty regularly and have put down a few half marathons… but the thought of miles and miles of cycling swimming and running make me want to cry and other fluid discharges I shouldnt talk about. 

Again she is an incredible lady and I am so lucky she agreed to be on the podcast. 

Be sure to check her out on Instagram (even though she doesnt care. hahaha)




and hey while youre at it follow me and all of my wacky endeavors on Instagram Twitter and Facebook too. 




Adios Muchachos Enjoy my conversation with Cori James




And here is a recent pic of Beni in his favorite spot hahaha



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