Happy Birthday Sailor Jerry


Today is Sailor Jerry’s birthday.  A legend among tattooers and a rum-maker amongst the rest of the world. I am lucky enough to have my own piece of Jerry’s history with a handcut acetate stencil I received from Shanghai Kate. The history of this little piece of plastic is more vast than I could ever know. How may sailors did it rest upon for a brief moment before the adrenaline and alcohol kick in. I’ve tattooed this stencil the way it was meant to be tattooed and Ive had it tattooed on me in the same fashion. Vaseline and carbon powder. Enough said. No sissy stencil papers and stencil solutions. Things were much different back then. Heres a peek for the know-it-alls  that think Norman Keith Collins was a rum maker and Ed Hardy is a shirt designer!  Youre Welcome

get your hands on a hard copy

David Meek

Fast Lane Tattoo

3801 N Oracle rd

Tucson Az


Tucson Tattoo Expo 2013

The 5th annual Tucson Tattoo Expo is this weekend. Be sure to come by the Fast Lane Tattoo booth to get tattooed.  You can also pick up a great tattoo flash book my pal Clint_S is unveiling this weekend! See ya there. And a little reminder I am now working full time at Fast Lane Tattoo in Tucson Arizona Tuesday-Saturday from 10a-11p.




Dirty and reckless tattoo flash by Clint_S
The best tattoo flash book of the year.

Fast Lane Tattoo

3801 N Oracle Rd

Tucson Arizona 85705

